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Board of Education

The Dakota Valley School Board meets monthly at 6:00 p.m. on the second Monday of each month. The Board room is located in the Administrative Office wing of the Upper Elementary/Middle School at 1150 Northshore Drive and is accessed from the west side of the building. 

Public Participation at meetings is guided by Policy 2009, which is linked on the Participation button to the left. Any individual who desires to speak about an item on the agenda, is asked to sign up with the superintendent or designee prior to the start of the meeting. Persons who wish to speak about an item that is not on the agenda are asked to present such request to the superintendent or the board president in writing, prior to the beginning of the meeting. Unless an extension of time is granted, a speaker will be limited to a maximum of three minutes. Speakers are asked to avoid repetition. If several people wish to speak on the same subject, it is suggested that a spokesperson be chosen.


Meet the Board


  Steve Kistner

Jesica Hanson 

Matt Thompson

Andrew Nilges

Emily Norby